Ultra Relay

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We, the Princetown Institute of Sport, are just a group of friends passionate about providing affordable, accessible & fun opportunities for people to get involved in the world of competitive outdoor sport.
What we do is not-for-profit and, if you are looking for a local event to sponsor, we would love to hear from you.
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"We entered for an adventure and quirky challenge, and ended up at this awesome place feeling like we'd been invited to the community Christmas party with a constant stream of friendly, interesting, generous people to chat to, great running loops and fun puzzles.
It was totally an experience like no other."
"When good friends invite you on an adventure, it’s very hard to say no. Even when it’s an event you’ve never heard of, in a place you’ve never heard of, with a format that you don’t really understand.
So off we went in a car jam packed with food and gear (because what do you pack for an event you don’t understand? EVERYTHING!).
And then the Kangaroobie Base Camp Ultra Relay happened.

30 hours of running through muddy paddocks and on magical forest trails on private land near Princetown, sometimes led by a kelpie, other times dodging cows and negotiating a bull off the trail. In between each 6, 9 and 12km run (which we each did twice), we ate, chatted around the fire, ate some more, showered, and lay horizontally in an effort to steal some much-needed shut-eye. We shared stories of the trails, giving tips to other runners about to head out (like: there’s a bull - wave your arms and make yourself big and he’ll move!)
It’s a team event where you don’t run together - but you do everything else possible to support your teammates. Out on the trail, you feel driven to run faster and not let the team down. Would I ever run 5min km at the end of a 54km run? Never! But on a 6km lap at 4am after having run already run 48km? Sure, why not!
This was the first event so it was intimate, which was perfect for us. When we felt nervous about running alone at 3am, the wonderful organisers offered to run with us (though we ended up putting our big girl pants on and ran alone!).
24 hours later, it feels like a dream!
So…. same time next year? Kangaroobie Base Camp Ultra Relay, we can’t wait!!"

We acknowledge the people of the Eastern Maar nation as the Traditional Owners & Custodians of the Country on which we participate every year.
We pay our respect to their ancestors and to all First Nations Elders, past, present and emerging.
We extend this respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, recognising that their language and knowledge continue to enrich the lives of those who choose to listen and take the time to learn from ​cultural traditions that date back tens of thousands of years.
We recognise their deep spiritual connection and ongoing relationship with Country in this beautiful place that so many people take for granted in a fleeting visit. We are grateful for the care taken by the ancestral custodians who have been protecting the land, waters & ecosystems of this glorious coastline, by living in harmony with Country, since time immemorial.
In the spirit of reconciliation and truth-telling it is important to acknowledge that the Australia we know today came at a great cost to the First Nations people and that there is still much healing to be done. Colonial history has seen devastating land dispossession, stolen generations, massacres, violence, and racism targeted at the indigenous population of this great country.
It is important for these truths to be understood and accepted in order to prompt conversations about how we can be part of the healing process and to avoid repeating the wrongs of the past today.
It is also necessary to speak these truths to honour the legacy of the First Nations Ancestors and Elders whose acts of altruism & sacrifice have paved the path we are on today.
​We seek to move forward, together, with a greater knowledge of our shared history. By doing so, we are hopeful for a society in which we all live in harmony, while experiencing a sustainable and spiritual connection with Country.